Presenters: Rainer Krell PhD – Rome, Italy – Barcelona, Spain, Stefan Riebessel- Hamburg, Germany
Objective: To present comparative trials of Pranic Agriculture in Germany, India and Colombia
Study Design: The application of Pranic Healing techniques in agriculture have been practiced for many years and much positive evidence have been reported. A series of farmer-lead comparative trials were set up in different regions of Germany, India and Colombia to produce statistically verifiable experimental evidence of impact on crop performance from Pranic Healing treatments. Pranic Agriculture (PRAG) projects are presented: Rinneck, Germany used organic, commercial grains (Stefan Riebesell), India used conventional horticulture (Jois N. Srikanth) and Colombia used organic family farming, annual and perennial crops (Rainer Krell, Adriano de Jesus Quintero et al). The trials included various measurements including crop yield, Stem height, number of flowers, specific weight, quality and concentration of plant products.
In Germany: Pranic Agriculture compared to Demeter showed the following yields: Spelt (2011) PRAG 3,840 kg/ha vs. 2,000 kg/ha showing a 92% difference; Oats 2014 PRAG 4,840 kg/ha vs. Demeter 3,120 kg/ha showing a 55% difference; Lupines 2014 PRAG 3,500 kg/ha vs. Demeter 2,400 kg/ha showing a 46% difference.

In India: PRAG Results showed Height +18.5% Stem Diameter +12.05%, Number of flowers +31.75% and Yield in kg +31.1% vs. the Control Group.
In Colombia: Sugar cane harvest were noted to have potential difference in the quality of the end product and the concentration of the syrup.
Conclusions: Comparative Trials showed the following conclusions: (1) Productivity – showed increase in major commodities and horticultural crops for organic and conventional; (2) Potentially less disease and pest pressures; (3) Measurable quality differences; (4) Greater income with lower costs; (5) Reduced risks for organic practices; (5) Need more controlled research into factors that influence efficiency of Pranic Healing techniques. The author concludes that conscious Pranic Agriculture practice will lead to apart from healthier food and environment and more economic growth, new collaborative awareness.