Presenter: Andrea Veronica Garcia Pacheco, MD – General Practitioner, Cuenca, Ecuador
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Pranic Healing in the treatment of smoking.
Study Design: This is a quasi-experimental study design with 108 smoking patients (Control Group CG n = 54 and Experimental Group EG n = 54) age 18-65 years of age over 8-month period. Pranic Healing protocols were applied 2-3 sessions per week completing at least 5 sessions.
Results: Experimental Group vs. Control Group (EG mean age = 36 CG mean age = 36; EG males = 42 CG males = 42; EG females = 12 CG females = 12; Level of Nicotine Dependency EG – Low = 31, Medium 4 and High 19. CG – Low = 31, Medium 4 and High 19. After Study: No Dependency EG = 19/54 vs. CG 9/54 (p<0.28); Low Dependence EG 28/54 vs. 27/54 (p<0.8); Medium Dependence EG = 3/54 vs. CG 3/54 (NS); High Dependence EG 4/54 vs. CG 15/54 (p<01)
Conclusion: It appears that application of Pranic Healing techniques in smokers can lead to effective tobacco cessation.