2015 - Conference, Bogota
In September 2015, the first-ever Pranic Healing Research and Development Conference was held to provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in Pranic Healing. More than 120 Pranic Healing researchers, practitioners and supporters of research joined for this historic occasion.
From all across the world, Pranic Healing researchers and practitioners convened in Bogota as a response to a global calling for veritable scientific evidence, research and publications on Pranic Healing. Ninety-six percent (96%) of conference participants agreed or strongly agreed to attend the next Pranic Healing conference. Let us continue to advance Pranic Healing research and technology across our industries through leadership, collaboration and innovation.
The Pranic Healing 2015 Research and Development Conference provided,
• An international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in Pranic Healing
• Cutting-edge research in the areas medicine, healthcare, agriculture, education and wellness.
• An opportunity to network with a global community of Pranic Healers involved in research and other industries
Plenary Summaries

The Impact of Meditation on Twin Hearts on Psychological Functioning and Quantitative EEG: A Comparison of Experienced and Non-Meditators
Presenters: Jeff Tarrant PhD –Columbia, Missouri USA, Neus Raines PhD – San Diego, California USA, Wayne Blinne, MA – Columbia, Missouri USA Objective: To examine the impact of the Meditation on Twin Hearts (MTH) on quantitative EEG, psychological and cognitive functioning in experienced meditators and non-meditators. Study Design: A 19 electrode Quantitative EEG recording was conducted before, […]

Evaluation of Pranic Healing in Treating of Smoking
Presenter: Andrea Veronica Garcia Pacheco, MD – General Practitioner, Cuenca, Ecuador Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Pranic Healing in the treatment of smoking. Study Design: This is a quasi-experimental study design with 108 smoking patients (Control Group CG n = 54 and Experimental Group EG n = 54) age 18-65 years of age over 8-month period. Pranic […]

Therapeutic Effects of Pranic Healing in Neurosurgery
Presenter: B. Chendil Nathan MCh, DNB, FRCS – Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India Objective: To present the effects of incorporating Pranic Healing in patients undergoing neurosurgical intervention. Results: Various clinical parameters of thirty patients undergoing surgical intervention in conjunction with Pranic Healing at XcellentCare Hospital in Chennai, India were measured. This was compared to patients undergoing […]

Effect of Pranic Healing in Pain Management in Emergency Department: Randomized Controlled Study
Presenters: Lauren Khalifeh, RN, BSN, Linda Flar Lund, RN, BSN. St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, Paterson, New Jersey USA Objective: To evaluate the role of Pranic Healing in pain management in the Emergency Department (ED). Study Design: This is a single randomized control study of 47 patients age > 59 years of age and presenting to the ED […]

Pranic Agriculture – Comparative Trials from Germany, India and Colombia
Presenters: Rainer Krell PhD – Rome, Italy – Barcelona, Spain, Stefan Riebessel- Hamburg, Germany Objective: To present comparative trials of Pranic Agriculture in Germany, India and Colombia Study Design: The application of Pranic Healing techniques in agriculture have been practiced for many years and much positive evidence have been reported. A series of farmer-lead comparative trials were set […]

Impact of Energy Healing in the Treatment of Multifactorial Disorders
Presenter: Francois Tessier PhD(c) – Ontario, Canada Objective: The goal of the study was to determine the effects Distant Pranic Healing with Drug Addicts.could accelerate recovery and minimize relapse rate in a group of 21 drug and alcohol addicts living in a rehabilitation center in Sri Lanka. Study Design: Distant Pranic Healing were applied to a cohort study […]

Pranic Healing Studies in the Laboratory. Effect of Pranic Healing in the Survival of Infected Galleria Mellonella
Presenter: Luciana Lobo – Rio de Janiero, Brazil Objective: To study the effect of Pranic Healing in the survival of Galleria mellonella after infection with a virulent Cryptococcus neoformans strain. Study Design: 30 Galleria mellonella caterpillars were classified into 3 groups (1) Control group of healthy animals n =10, Infected with Cryptococcus neoformans without Pranic Healing treatment group […]

Pranic Healing in the Laboratory, Effects of Pranic Healing on Calcium Release in Immortalized Mouse Keratinocyte HaCaT Cells
Presenter: Hordep Velasquez – Caracas, Venezuela Objective: This study was to observe the release of calcium into mouse keratinocyte HaCaT cells subjected to Pranic Healing. Study Design: Cells were loaded with 5 μM calcium indicator Fura 2-AM to monitor changes in intracellular calcium concentration. Cell population was separated into two groups: a control group where cells received no […]
Lightning Round Presentations

Effects of Pranic Healing in Acceleration of Wound Healing
Valerie Davis, MD – New Smyrna Beach, Florida USA
Objective: To outline the integration of Pranic Healing in the practice of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery.
Study Discussion/Design: Outline of pre-surgical, surgical, and post-surgical cases and Advanced Pranic Healing protocols were described. Pre-surgical and post-surgical photos were shown revealing evidence of rapid wound healing.
Conclusions/Results: It has been observed that Pranic Healing is effective in dermatologic surgery for decreasing the time for wound healing, surgical scarring, pain, intraoperative bleeding and post-operative ecchymosis.

Changes in Gamma Brainwaves during the Meditation on Twin Hearts
Jeff Tarrant, PhD – Columbia, Missouri, USA
Objective: To outline the changes in gamma brainwaves utilizing sLORETA analysis during the Meditation on Twin Hearts (MTH) with experienced meditators.
Study Discussion/Design: Psychological and cognitive functioning before and after the MTH were compared in experienced meditators (n = 12 with over 1,000 hours of MTH) and non-meditators (n =12). EEG recording using sLORETA and P300 metrics was done to assess brain wave changes in specific regions as well as cognitive functioning.
Conclusions/Results: Comparative study to evaluate the effect that MTH has on experienced meditators (EM) and non-meditators (NM) showed the following: (1) EM had significantly more total gamma waves at pre- and post-tests compared to NM suggesting increased integration and activation of key brain regions; (2) Patterns of gamma and alpha brain wave changes in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex suggest that EM modulated their attention and staying alert and present while NM became progressively relaxed with an open attention. This presentation focused on the changes in gamma brainwaves during MTH.

Pranic Healing in Advanced Stages of Cancer: Case Studies
Telma Torres, RN - Sao Paolo Area, Brazil
Objective: To review clinical case studies which revealed the positive effects of integrating Pranic Healing in advanced stages of breast cancer and leukemia.
Study Discussion/Design: Pranic Healing protocols were applied to four patient groups: (1) Pranic Healing protocol was applied to twelve patients with breast cancer over the course of 8-12 months experiencing various physiological symptoms including nausea/vomiting, fatigue, and pain;(2) Pranic Healing protocol was applied to patients with Leukemia who were undergoing chemotherapy over the course of 9 months;(3) Pranic Healing protocol was applied to patients with Hodgkins Lymphoma; and (4) Pranic Healing protocol was applied to patients with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma during 2010-2013.
Conclusions/Results: The following are results for each patient group: (1) Integration of Pranic Healing in patients with breast cancer showed a decrease in negative symptoms; (2) Integration of Pranic Healing in patients undergoing chemotherapy with Leukemia showed a decrease in negative symptoms, including weight loss and hair loss; (3) Integration of Pranic Healing in patients with Hodgkins Lymphoma revealed positive outcomes; (4) Integration of Pranic Healing in patients with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma revealed positive outcomes and possible faster remission rates.

Case Report: Pranic Healing in the Treatment of Obesity and Psychic Trauma
Ruth Nobuko Nakabayashi, Marcia Koike, Claudia Vieira Carnevalle – Brazil
Objective: Case Report of a 31 year old woman with obesity and psychological trauma treated by Pranic Healing.
Study Discussion/Design: This 31 year old woman with obesity (BMI 47) and psychological trauma underwent a total of 21 sessions (once a week) of Pranic Healing treatment by author (RN). Questionnaires were completed before and after treatment.
Conclusions/Results: Initial weight started with 120 kg (BMI 47) and after Pranic Healing treatments was 65 kg (BMI 25). There was improvement in well-being on a physical, mental and emotional level. Case report suggests the positive effect of Pranic Healing in treating obesity and traumatic abuse.

Biofield and EEG Changes from Divine Healing
Biofield and EEG Changes from Divine Healing
Objective: To measure the EEG analysis and Bioviewer photography during application of Divine Healing.
Study Discussion/Design: Observed the EEG analysis and Biofield Viewer effects before, during, and after a Divine Healing. Divine Healing is defined as conferring or transfer of “spiritual energy” upon a person by a teacher.
Conclusions/Results: During the baseline EEG recordings, it is observed that the subject’s EEG activity is largely within the average range (green) across all bands (e.g. delta, that, etc.). There are relatively few coherence patterns outside of the expected range with some theta hyper coherence in frontal areas being the most dominant pattern.
While the subject was receiving the healing (approximately one minute), the following was observed: There was dramatic increase in both fast (beta, high beta) and slow (delta) activity. This activity is predominant in the frontal and occipital regions of the brain. The subject’s coherence pattern changes dramatically, mostly in the fast and slow EEG patterns. In the delta range, there was a great deal of hypocoherence globally, with a focus on frontal regions. The fast activity also revealed global hypocoherence, but with a focus in occipital regions.
After the healing, the following was observed: The subject’s brain slowly began to return to baseline condition. There continued to be significant increases in both delta, beta, and high beta in the same locations. The delta hypo coherence clears up relatively quickly after the divine healing as does the beta hyper coherence. However it is clear that the beta hyper coherence is continuing to display significantly abnormal patterns.

Human Development - Comparative Study Between Development Indicators and Energy Centers
Ana Maria Vargas - Barcelona, Spain
Objective: To observe and measure the development of the chakras.
Study Discussion/Design: The chakras were measured among various subjects of different ages by Pranic Healers. The functions of the chakras were outlined.
Conclusions/Results: This pilot study observed the effect of the chakra size by certain behaviors and disease.

Pranic Healing Therapy and Experience in a Pediatric Health Community with Multidisciplinary Interventions
Magali Fernandez Martinez Moncada, MD - Cali, Colombia Angela Maria Gomez - Cali, Colombia
Objectives: To observe the effect of a multidisciplinary approach in a pediatric health community, conventional medicine was encompassed with Pranic Healing and music therapy.
Study Discussion/Design: The effects of this multidisciplinary approach of Pranic Healing and music therapy with conventional medicine was measured in 3000 patients over the course of 7 years. They compared this with a control group of 3000 patients who received conventional medicine. A scale was used to measure the decrease of various symptoms associated with certain medical disorders.
Conclusions/Results: There appeared to be a decrease in symptoms with the multidisciplinary approach as compared to the control group.

Effects of Pranic Psychotherapy on Perceived Quality of Life
Jorge Fuentes - Santiago, Chile
Objective: To observe the effects of Pranic Healing sessions on patients with psychiatric disorders to on a weekly basis.
Study Discussion/Design: In Chile, 36% of the population up to 15 years of age has a psychiatric disorder throughout life. In Santiago, Chile, the prevalence of depression is 5.5% (men is 2.7; women is 8%). The prevalence of anxiety is 17%. Pranic Psychotherapy sessions and Meditation on Twin Hearts were offered to 100 volunteers consisting of four sessions once a week. The patients were classified using GHC-12: healthy, high risk for suffering mental illness and mental illness.
Conclusions/Results: Level of psychopathology before and after Pranic Healing. Absence of Mental Illness pre-48% to post-96%; Risk of Mental Illness pre-24% to post-2%; Presence of Mental Illness pre-28% to post-2%. It appears that the use of Pranic Healing and Meditation on Twin Hearts reduced negative psychological symptoms and to have preventative effects.

Pranic Healing in Assisting Couples with Infertility
Andrea Rodriguez Roca JD, PhD - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Objective: Case Reports of Pranic Healing on patients with infertility.
Study Discussion/Design: A minimum of 18 Pranic Healing sessions were done on females and 6-12 sessions were done on males over the course of 12 weeks. Pranic Healing was also done on the fetus at least once a month. This included Pranic Healing on the umbilical cord, the placenta, and the vertebrae. With high-risk patients, a protective membrane type structure was done. Particular protocol was described for high-risk patients.
Conclusions/Results: The integration of Pranic Healing markedly improved positive outcomes in assisting couples with infertility and in pregnant females with high-risk pregnancies.