The  Pranic  Healing  Research Institute  (PHRI)  is  pleased to  invite  submissions  of  research projects  that  advance  Pranic  Healing.  The  goal of  this  program is  to  support  empirical research  and  published  research  articles  demonstrating  the scientific  merit  of  Pranic  Healing  as a complementary therapy to medical interventions, health and well-being, and quality of life. Grant funding is available to help researchers initiate new research projects or complete ongoing studies.   

Who Can  Apply 

PHRI  supports  researchers  at  various  stages  in  their careers,  from  early  career researchers  to researchers  with  extensive  experience. Preferably,  applicants  should be  affiliated  with  an  academic institution. If  this  is  not  the  case,  it  is  acceptable  to  be  affiliated  with  a recognized  Pranic Healing  organization  that  is  willing  to  serve  as  a  fiscal  agent  and  sponsor  of  the  project. Proposals  are  accepted  from the U.S. and  internationally;  however,  all proposals  must  be  submitted in English (MS Word document) and  budgets  must  be  in U.S. Dollars.   

Potential Areas of Focus

Each award provides a possible grant of up to USD $5,000 to help researchers initiate new research projects on Pranic Healing or complete ongoing research on this topic. Preference will be given to research projects using Pranic Healing to treat or prevent physical or psychological ailments in humans.  Research on the Meditation on Twin Hearts, SuperBrain Yoga, Arhatic Yoga, and other Pranic Healing derivatives will also be considered. Allowable research expenses include, but are not limited to data collection, specialized research equipment, software, services and project supplies, support for the publication of findings in academic journals, and personnel support. Accepting funding from more than one source for the same research is prohibited.

Examples  of  Potential  Grant  Awards:   

  1. Research  Studies: The grant may be used to fund  an  entire  research  project  or a discrete part of the study. An illustrative but not exhaustive list of possible studies includes: using Pranic Healing in addition to standard of care treatments for physical ailments (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, post-surgical recovery); using Pranic  Healing as a complementary intervention for psychological care (e.g., depression,  schizophrenia, alcohol  or  drug  dependence).     

  2. Support for Ongoing Research Projects: The mini-grant may be used to support data collection and analysis; development and conduct of the project, including personnel support; any required laboratory or physical testing; delivery and analysis of questionnaire or patient reported outcomes; or travel expenses to conferences.   

  3. Research Publications: The grant may be used to assist with manuscript preparation  and submission for existing Pranic Healing research. Many standard journals publish manuscripts without charge, although open access journals typically charge publication fees. Grant applicants in this category are urged to review potential target journals carefully to avoid predatory publishers. Excessive publication fees will not be considered.

Application Process

The Principal Investigator (PI) must submit a full proposal by the following deadlines:

    • Spring deadline: March 1

    • Fall deadline: September 1

Email completed proposals to

Proposal Submission

The principal investigator must send to the PHRI the following:

A formal request explicitly stating the 

  • Applicant name and degrees 

  • Applicant affiliated institution  or Pranic Healing Organization 

  • Address  

  • Phone number 

  • Email 

  • Title  and  abstract  (250  words):  Provide  a summary  description of the  proposed research.  If  the  research  is  funded,  the  abstract  may  be  used  by  PHRI  for informational  purposes  to  describe  its  program  activities. 

  • In what capacity you want PHRI’s involvement, including funding amount  requested

Curriculum vitae (CV) and research experience, including CVs of co-investigators. Please include a list of Pranic Healing courses taken, course dates, instructors, and locations on a separate page.

Executive Summary of the Research including Research Objective, Background, Methods, Research Questions (and Hypotheses, where applicable), and Purpose Statement.  

Please include the name and contact information for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Board that reviewed, or is currently reviewing, your research proposal. Attach the IRB/Ethics Board Approval or Exemption Letter to your application. Grant awards and payments will be contingent upon IRB/Ethics Board approval.

A full proposal that includes the following sections, including a cover page (maximum of 10 pages):

Working Title of Research Study

PI and Co-PI(s), plus credentials

PI Affiliation





Purpose Statement

RQ(s) and Hypotheses (where applicable)


Research Methodology and Design

Study Participants

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Sampling Methodology

Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethics Board Approval (note if pending)

Data Collection Instrument(s)



Validity and Reliability (of the Instruments)

Data Collection Techniques/Methods

Statistical Analysis (proposed analyses)


The Grants Committee is eager to review your request, but will not pre-review applications or provide guidance on any part of your research prior to deadline. Other questions regarding the grant opportunity should be directed to